Needle-Free Anesthesia, unlike traditional anesthesia methods used in dental treatments, is a painless and relaxing procedure that does not require the use of needles. In this method, the anesthetic drugs that provide local anesthesia are applied to the gums or the surrounding area through a specialized device. As a result, patients do not need to come into contact with any needles during the treatment process. Needle-Free Anesthesia minimizes the sensation of pain and makes the treatment process more comfortable. In Needle-Free Anesthesia application, a specialized device is used to provide local anesthesia. This device consists of a headpiece that produces rapid vibrations and a special mechanism that delivers the anesthetic drug into the skin. The headpiece applies the anesthetic drug to the targeted area while also generating vibrations. These vibrations stimulate the nerve endings, providing local anesthesia and blocking the transmission of pain sensation. The needle-free anesthesia method offers several advantages during dental treatments: What is Needle-Free Anesthesia?
How Does Needle-Free Anesthesia Work?
Advantages of Needle-Free Anesthesia